Prevalence estimate of blood doping in elite track and field at the introduction of the Athlete Biological Passport HAEMATOL/2019/235416
What are the new findings?
- this study presents the first comparison of blood doping prevalence in elite track & field athletes based on biological measurements from major international events
- our results from robust haematological parameters indicate an estimation of an overall blood doping prevalence of 18% in average in endurance athletes
- the confidence intervals for blood doping prevalence range from 9-28% with wide discrepancies between certain countries
- the further development of the Athlete Biological Passport with a careful monitoring of biological parameters still represents the most consistent approach to thwart athletes using undetectable prohibited substances or methods
- this study describes a method to define blood doping prevalence with the analysis of robust haematological parameters
- estimates of doping prevalence in subpopulations of athletes may represent a valuable tool for the antidoping authorities to perform a risk assessment in their sport
Nel frontespizio c'è quasi tutto e nell'abstract si entra nel merito ... The estimate of doping prevalence was obtained by using a Bayesian network with seven variables.
RET%, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC che trovate nelle vostre analisi del sangue, elaborate per 3683 campioni di 209 paesi nei Mondiali 2011 (1808) e 2013 (1875).
Poi ci sono le sotto analisi su Prevalence of Doping: endurance only, for female athletes, for male athletes, comparison between Daegu and Moscow.
Ventisette pagine ben riassunte sul Corriere (chi altro?), aspettando un'azione della IAAF per approfondire dove serve e aggiornare le competizioni.
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